Big bowls are on the way

I’ve had yet another offer of some yew trees, although this time they are a little larger in size - at nearly three feet across, I’m going to have fun loading them into the van!

As you can see from the photo's they all have traces of heart rot, although the majority of the timber is fine. Planking them would be unfeasible, due mainly to the restricted access. The largest one forks into two branches and I’m almost certain there’ll be a good sized stone in there – something that sawmills don’t like.

The largest one has some lovely features on the outside…


Heart rot clearly visible in some of the sections…


I hope to use them for natural edge turning, where the heart is cut out completely. With a bit of luck, they should produce some very interesting pieces.

However, they are a mile down an old track and at the bottom of a six foot drop – mission not accomplished yet!


Starting the enormous lampshade


Burr sycamore