My latest batch of green timber

I just thought I’d round off this year with some photo’s of my current stack of green yew – I’ll be processing this lot in the New Year, so more images will be appearing soon…

Sourced from two different locations, this wood will be ideal for my natural edge creations, as well as some burry fruit bowls (or even some pepper mills too). Luckily, the timber is free from cracks, so I can make use of every piece. – quite often, what appears to be a lucky find ends up mostly as lumps of firewood!

The crotch section featured below should hopefully display some interesting grain patterns…


Just one of the pieces which has a healthy covering of burr – this should make an impressive fruit bowl…


Well before it's too late, I'd like to wish you a happy New Year - I'l be posting plenty of new articles in the coming weeks, so look out for them in 2016!


Cutting up the ash tree


The Gundestrup Bowl